RSTI Web Map

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Guide to the Web Map

The RSTI Web App is a geo-spatial interface for exploring the site of Ras Shamra-Ugarit.

What will you find here? Each dot on the map represents a find spot where an inscribed object was found.

NOTE: The map provides a representative visualization of archives and findspots. While we strive to locate each find spot as accurately as possible, the map is not meant to communicate a high degree of precision. For example, we wouldn't recommend using this map to measure precise distances between locations. To present as much data as possible, we have chosen to include objects with uncertain find spots. These are grouped together at find spots that are as close to possible to the most likely find spot. Objects found out of context are located at points in the modern parking lot to the West of the site.


The map displays various regions of the site and the object find spots. Browse layers in the attribute tables at the bottom on the map window and search using the Query widget.

A click on the map produces a pop up window. In most cases, this pop up window will display information about the various items located at your click. Use the left/right arrow buttons to cycle through the various items available at that spot.

Attribute tables

Attribute tables (appear as tables at the bottom of the screen) can be hidden/shown using the icon at the bottom right of the screen. Attribute tables are divided into vector layers (buildings, rooms, etc.) and objects. Double-clicking a row in the table will find the item on the map. Use "Zoom to" in the pop up window to frame the data. The tables include links to detailed information about the objects and texts, where available. Click on the pi.lib link in the OBJECT column to launch a new tab with available details.


Use the Legend icon in the top right to turn on a legend to show the symbology of objects by language.


The query widget in the top right includes pre-configured searches. Choose one of the options, then provide some search criteria.


We present this map as a partially complete display of inscribed objects that will continue to evolve as we curate data in RSTI. Please report errors to m-prosser (at) uchicago (dot) edu.

Last updated: Nov. 5, 2023.

Cite this map

Miller C. Prosser (2023), "The Ras Shamra-Ugarit Web Application: a digital publication of the Ras Shamra Tablet Inventory, powered by OCHRE." ArcGIS (ESRI) online web application (

Acknowledgements and Limitations

The web map represents an interpretation of original research executed by many scholars over many years, first and foremost the extensive and detailed reports from the Mission de Ras Shamra. Maps such as those published in Ugaritica IV and in the many archaeological reports published under the supervision of Directrice Valérie Matoïan serve as the basis for the vector shapes on the RSTI web map. The web map is provided as a general guideline for understanding the layout of the city of Ugarit and the find spots of the inscribed objects. The map does not intend to communicate scientific precision on the size and location of rooms, buildings, and other structures.

Select References for Spatial Data

Following is a selection of publications including maps and/or plans.

Callot, Olivier. “La Région Nord Du Palais Royal d'Ugarit.” CRAI (1986): 735–755.

Ras Shamra-Ougarit Series

Yon, Marguerite., ed. Le centre de la ville, 38e-44e campagnes (1978-1984). Ras Shamra-Ougarit 3. Paris: Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1987. Le Centre de la Ville (fig. 1)

Yon, Marguerite, and Daniel Arnaud, eds. Études Ougaritiques I. Ras Shamra-Ougarit 14. Paris: Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 2001. Centre de la Ville (fig. 29), Quartier Residentiel, Ville Basse Est, Plan général du tell

Callot, Olivier. Les Sanctuaires de l'Acropole d'Ougarit: Les Temples de Baal et de Dagan. Ras Shamra-Ougarit 19. Paris: Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2011. Acropole, temples de Baal et Dagan (figs. 2, 44)

Syria (presented chronologically)

Contenson, Henri de, Jacques-Claude Courtois, Élisabeth Lagarce, Jacques Lagarce, and Rolf Stucky. “La XXXIIIe Campagne de Fouilles a Ras Shamra En 1972. Rapport Préliminaire.” Syria 50, no. 3/4 (1973): 283–309. Region Nord du Palais (figs. 3, 6).

Contenson, Henri de, Jacques-Claude Courtois, Élisabeth Lagarce, Jacques Lagarce, and Rolf Stucky. “La XXXIVe Campagne de Fouilles a Ras Shamra En 1973 Rapport Préliminaire.” Syria 51, no. 1/2 (1974): 1–30. Maison aux Alabâtres (fig. 3), "Maison aux fours" (fig. 5)

Margueron, Jean. “Ras Shamra 1975 et 1976 Rapport Préliminaire Sur Les Campagnes d'Automne.” Syria 54, no. 3/4 (1977): 151–88. Plan du tell avec quadrillage (fig. 1), Quartier Residentiel (figs. 2, 4), Grand Bâtiment (fig. 9).

Yon, Marguerite, A. Caubet, J. Mallet, and Patrick Desfarges. “Ras Shamra-Ougarit, 38, 39 et 40e Campagnes (1978, 1979 et 1980).” Syria 59, no. 3/4 (1982): 169–97. Centre de la Ville (figs. 3, 9)

Yon, Marguerite, A. Caubet, J. Mallet, P. Lombard, C. Doumet, and P. Desfarges. “Fouilles de Ras Shamra-Ougarit 1981-1983 (41e, 42e et 43e Campagnes).” Syria 60, no. 3/4 (1983): 201–24. Centre de la Ville (fig. 1)

Yon, Marguerite, J. Gachet, and P. Lombard. “Fouilles de Ras Shamra-Ougarit 1984-1987 (44e-47e Campagnes).” Syria 64, no. 3/4 (1987): 171–91. Centre de la Ville (figs. 2, 7), Chantier Sud Centre (fig. 9).

Yon, Marguerite, J. Gachet, P. Lombard, and J. Mallet. “Fouilles de La 48e Campagne (1988) à Ras Shamra-Ougarit.” Syria 67, no. 1 (1990): 1–29. Centre de la Ville (fig. 1), Temples aux Rhytons (fig. 6), Chantier Sud Centre (fig. 19) Plans du tell avec quadrillage

Courtois, Jacques-Claude. “Yabninu et Le Palais Sud d'Ougarit.” Syria 67 (1990): 103–42. Palais Sud/Urtenu (fig. 1)

Al-Maqdissi, Michel, Khozama Bahloul, Olivier Callot, Yves Calvet, Valérie Matoïan, and Caroline Sauvage. “Rapport Préliminaire Sur Les Activités De La Mission Syro-Française De Ras Shamra-Ougarit en 2005 et 2006 (65e et 66e Campagnes).” Syria 84 (2007): 33–55. Rempart (fig. 6), Chantier Grand Rue (fig. 14)

Al-Maqdissi, Michel, Yves Calvet, Valérie Matoïan, Khozama Al-Bahloul, Christophe Benech, Jean-Claude Bessac, Éric Coqueugniot, et al. “Rapport Préliminaire Sur Les Activités De La Mission Syro-Française De Ras Shamra-Ougarit En 2007 et 2008 (67e Et 68e Campagnes).” Syria 87 (2010): 21–51. Plan général du tell (fig. 1), Rempart (fig. 4)

Matoïan, Valérie. “Une Statuette Ou Un Vase En Forme de Déesse Hippopotame Dans Le Palais Royal d’Ougarit.” Syria 91 (2014): 221–45. Palais Royal (figs. 4, 6)

Ugaritica I: Region Nord du Palais (fig. 99), Ville Basse (figs. 14, 15), Acropole et Quartiers Nord-est (fig. 9)

Ugaritica II: Temple de Baal (fig. 2)

Ugaritica III: Palais Royal (fig. 1), Quartier Residentiel (fig. 122), La Maison du Grande Prêtre (fig. 216)

Ugaritica IV: Palais Royal et Palais Sud (grand dépliant), Plans du tell

Ugaritica VI: Maison aux Foies (fig. 1)