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Narrator: Eminenin üzüntüsü yerini şimdi şaşkınlığa bırakmıştı.
Emine’s distress had now given way to surprise. (Lit., had given its place)
Emine: Demek benden gizli çevirdiğin dolap buydu..
So this was the trap you were secretly setting for me. (Lit., the trap... was this)
Hakkı: Dolap molap çevirmedim.

Ama vaziyet kesinleştikten sonra söylemeyi uygun buldum.
I didn’t set any trap schnap.

It’s just that I didn’t want to tell you until after the matter was settled. (Lit., But after the situation was settled, I found it proper to tell you.)
Emine: Fakat... nasıl olur?
But... how will this work? (Lit., how will this be?)
Hakkı: Bayağı olur...

Herkes nasıl gidiyor?
That’s no problem.

How is everybody (else) going?
Emine: Ama sen gidersen.. biz? çocuklar?
But if you go, what about us? the kids? (Lit., ...we? the children?)
Hakkı: Düşündüğün şeye bak.

Sürgüne gitmeyeceğim ya..

Orada çalışıp para kazanacağım.

Sana da geçiminizi sağlayacak kadar yollarım.
What are you worried about? (Lit., Look at the thing that you’re thinking.)

I’m not going into exile, you know!

I’m (just) going there to work and earn some money. (Lit., I’ll work there and earn money.)

And I’ll send you enough for you to manage on. (Lit., to assure your livelihood)
Emine: Sana ne kadar da kolay geliyor bu iş.

Sen oraya gideceksin.

Ben burada iki çocukla yalnız başıma...
How easy all this is for you! (Lit., this matter)

You’ll go there.

(And) I’ll be here alone with two kids... (Lit., I here with two children alone.)
Hakkı: Merak etme.

İşi yoluna koyduktan sonra hemen sizi aldırırım.
Don’t worry.

After arranging things, I’ll send for you right away. (Lit., After putting the work on its road, I’ll have you brought...)

A picture novel (resimli roman) by Faruk Geç © , Translation and notes by Ralph Jaeckel © 2009