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Narrator: Almanya’ya gitmeğe karar veren Hakkı karısını ikna etmeğe çalışıyordu.
Having made the decision to go to Germany, Hakkı was trying to convince his wife.
Hakkı: Göreceksin.

Bak orada ne para yapacağım.
You’ll see.

Just think of the money I’ll make over there. (Lit., Look what money...)
Emine: Bu yaşa geldin hâlâ hayâl peşinde koşuyorsun..

Olmaz Hakkı.

Bir yere gidemezsin.
At your age you’re still chasing pipe dreams. (Lit., You’ve reached this age [and] you’re still running after dreams.)

That won’t do, Hakkı.

You’re not going anywhere. (Lit., You can’t go anywhere.)
Hakkı: Bal gibi olur..

Bu memlekette senelerdir bir şeyler yapalım diye uğraştık.

Ne kazandık?

Üstelik elimizdekiler de gitti.
It’ll be as easy as pie. (Lit., like honey)

I’ve struggled for years in this country, trying to accomplish something. (Lit., we’ve struggled... thinking let’s do somethings)

What good did it do? (Lit., What did we gain?)

Not only that, what we had in our hands is gone too. (Lit., went)
Emine: Suç memleketin mi?

Kafanı kullansaydın.

Kazanan nasıl kazanıyor?
Is it the country’s fault?

If you had only used your head.

How do those who earn (well) (manage to) do so? (Lit., How does the earner earn?)
Hakkı: Seninle zaten hiç bir şey konuşulmaz.

Bu güne kadar ne yaptıysam hep tenkit ettin.
I can’t discuss anything with you anyway. (Lit., nothing at all is spoken [about] with you)

Down to this very moment, you’ve always criticized (me), no matter what I did. (Lit., up to today)
Emine: Niye böyle söylüyorsun?

Şimdiye kadar hep kendi kafanın bildiğine gittin de ne oldu?
Why are you talking like this?

Up to now you’ve always done (exactly) what you want, and (just look) what happened. (Lit., you’ve gone to what your own head knows)
Hakkı: Ben çıkıyorum.

Seninle ne kadar konuşsak boş..
I’m going out.

It’s no use talking to you. (Lit., With you no matter how much we talk, it’s no use.)

A picture novel (resimli roman) by Faruk Geç © , Translation and notes by Ralph Jaeckel © 2009