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Narrator: Emine sabahtan beri ayaktaydı.

Çocukların çamaşırı, yemek bulaşık... Kolay değildi.

İyice yorulmuştu.

Kendini yatağa attı..

Ama gözüne bir damla uyku girmiyordu.
Emine had been on (her) feet since morning.

The children’s laundry, meals and dirty dishes... It wasn’t easy.

She was pretty worn out. (Lit., had gotten)

She threw herself on the bed…

But she just couldn’t get to sleep. (Lit., a drop of sleep wasn’t entering her eye)
Emine: Durumumuz ne olacak şimdi?

İşini de bırakırsa..
What will become of us now? (Lit., What will our condition become now?)

(And what) if he leaves his job too?
Emine: Almanya’ya gitmese ne yapar?

Tekrar burada çalışır mı?

Çalışsa da eline ne kadar para geçiyor ki..

Bu böyle ne kadar zaman devam edecek?
(But) what will he do if he doesn’t go to Germany?

Will he work here again?

Even if he were to work, how much money would he actually make anyway? (Lit., get into his hand)

How long are things going to go on like this? (Lit., is this going to go on)
Narrator: Düşündükçe kocasına olan kızgınlığı geçiyor, yerini bir acıma hissi alıyordu.
The more she thought, (the more) her anger toward her husband faded and gave way to pity. (Lit., her anger was passing... a feeling of pity was taking its place)
Emine: Ona da biraz hak vermem lâzım..

Talihsiz adam..

Bu güne kadar bir türlü işi rast gitmedi.
I must admit that he’s not entirely wrong. (Lit., I should give him a little right too.)

Unlucky man.

So far things haven’t gone well for him at all. (Lit., up to today)
Emine: Belki orada dediği gibi çalışıp iyi para kazanır, bize de yollar.

Ne yapalım bir müddet katlanırım.

Sonra belki ben de çocukları alır giderim..
Perhaps, as he said, he’ll (find) work over there and make good money, and he’ll send us some too.

What can I do? I’ll (just have to) put up with it for a while. (Lit., what shall we do)

Then maybe I’ll take the kids and go (join him) too.

A picture novel (resimli roman) by Faruk Geç © , Translation and notes by Ralph Jaeckel © 2009