Emine: Ne o Hatice. Bu gün işe gitmedin mi? |
Is something the matter, Hatice? (Lit., What’s that?) Didn’t you go to work today? |
Hatice: Gidemedim. Benim oğlan hastalandı. Lâf dinlemiyorlar ki kardeş. Dün karda oynamışlar. Kaynanam da zaten yatıyor. Bakacak kimse yok. Mecburen kaldım. |
I couldn’t go. My boy took sick. But they just don’t listen, sister. Yesterday they played in the snow. And now my mother-in-law is in bed too. There’s no one to look (after them). I had to stay (home). (Lit., I stayed of necessity.) |
Hatice: Eczaneden ilaç filan aldım da.. |
I just bought some medicine and so on from the drugstore. |
Emine: Geçmiş olsun. Hadi gel beş dakika otur. Birer çay içer iki laf ederiz. |
I hope they’re all better soon. (Lit., Let it be past.) Come on over and sit for five minutes. We’ll each have a glass of tea and chat a bit. |
Narrator: Emine dertleşecek bir insan arıyordu kendine. Hatice de komşuları arasında kafasına en uygun olanıydı. |
Emine was looking for someone to share her troubles with. And among her neighbors Hatice was the one she felt closest to. (Lit., the one being most suitable to her head, i.e., her feelings) |
Hatice: Almanyadan ne haber Emine? |
What’s the news from Germany, Emine? |
Emine: Epeydir bir haber yok. Bu günlerde herhalde gelir. |
There hasn’t been any news for quite a while. There’ll probably be some one of these days soon. (Lit., These days probably [some] will come.) |
Hatice: Para gönderiyor mu bari? |
Is he at least sending money? |
Emine: Maalesef.. o da kesildi. Son yolladığı mektupta bu ara masrafım çok elime de az para geçiyor biraz dişinizi sıkın diye yazıyordu. |
Unfortunately... that too has stopped. In his last letter he wrote, I have a lot of expenses right now (and) I’m not getting much money, (so) grit your teeth a little. (Lit., In the letter he sent last he was writing saying... my expenses are a lot, little money is passing into my hand...) |