Narrator: Kâmuran beyin söylemek istediği başkaydı. |
(But) Kâmuran bey had something else in mind. (Lit., What [he] wanted to say was something else.) |
Kâmuran Bey: Okuma yazmanızın iyi olduğunu tahmin ediyorum. Tahsil dereceniz neydi? |
I imagine that you have good reading and writing skills. (Lit., your reading and writing are good) What was the highest level of school you completed? (Lit., What was your degree of education?) |
Emine: Liseyi bitirdim. |
I graduated from lycée. (Lit., finished) |
Kâmuran Bey: Pekâlâ.. Büro işlerimize bakan arkadaş ayrılıyor. Yerine yeni bir elemana ihtiyacımız var. Ben sizi uygun gördüm. |
Very good... The person who has been attending to our office matters is leaving. We need a new person to take his place. (Lit., for his place) I think you’re right for the job. (Lit., I saw you suitable.) |
Emine: Beni mi? Çok teşekkür ederim. Fakat ben o işlerden hiç anlamam ki. Hele daktilo falan hiç bilmem. |
Me? Thank you very much. Oh, but I don’t understand a thing about those matters. Especially about typing and so on, I don’t know anything at all. |
Kâmuran Bey: Mühim değil. Öğrenirsiniz. Yapılacak işleri size gösteririz. Hadi bakalım bu günden tezi yok kollarınızı sıvayın. |
That doesn’t matter. You’ll learn. (Lit., [That’s] not important.) We’ll show you the work to be done. (Lit., the tasks) Come on, (let’s get started), there’s no time like the present, roll up your sleeves. (Lit., there’s nothing quicker than today [?]) |
Narrator: Emine yeni işine çabuk alışmış, kısa zamanda müessesenin idari işlerinde patronun yardımcısı olmuştu. |
Emine quickly became accustomed to her new job, (and) in a short time she had become the boss’s assistant in the administrative affairs of the establishment. |
Hatice: Nasıl, yeni işinden memnunsun. Değil mi Emine? |
How (are things going)? You’re pleased with your new job, aren’t you, Emine? |
Emine: Tabii Hatice. Kâmuran bey de çok anlayışlı bir insan. Hep senin sayende oldu bunlar. Sana çok şey borçluyum. |
Of course, Hatice. And what’s more, Kâmuran bey is a very understanding person. This all happened because of you. (Lit., all these) I owe you a lot. |