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Narrator: Bülent kapıdan çıkarken genç kadına yaklaştı.
As Bülent was going out the door, he approached the young woman.
Bülent: Peder bey yaman adamdır.

Eskiden beri zekâsına ve zevkine hayranımdır. Hoşça kalın.
My father is a fantastic man.

I’ve been in awe of his intelligence and good taste for ever so long. Good-bye.
Emine: Güle güle.
Narrator: Baba oğul uzaklaşırlarken Eminenin şaşkınlığı henüz geçmemişti.
As father and son were leaving, Emine was still in shock. (Lit., [her] shock had still not passed)
Emine: Patronun oğlu olabileceği hiç aklıma gelmemişti.
It never occurred to me that he could be the boss’s son. (Lit., had never come to my mind)
Narrator: Pencereden bakarken genç adama karşı davranışlarını hatırladı.
As she was looking out the window, she recalled her behavior toward the young man.
Emine: Bir pot kırmadım herhalde.. ama nereden bilebilirdim ki..
I hope I didn’t do anything foolish, but then how could I have known? (Lit., I probably didn’t commit a faux pas, but from where...)
Kâmuran Bey: Ben artık iyice yoruldum oğlum.

Eski enerjim kalmadı.

Kısa zamanda işin başına geçmen lâzım.
Son, I’m really quite tired out now. (Lit., my son)

I don’t have the energy I used to have. (Lit., My former energy didn’t remain.)

Soon you’ll have to take over. (Lit., your passing to the head of the business [will be] necessary)
Bülent: Fakat baba..
But Father...

A picture novel (resimli roman) by Faruk Geç © , Translation and notes by Ralph Jaeckel © 2009