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Kâmuran Bey: Ben işe sıfırdan başladım Bülent.

Türlü fedakarlıklarla bu seviyeye geldim.

Oğlumun avrupalı kafasıyla yetişerek memleketin imkânlarını daha iyi değerlendirebileceğini düşündüm.
I started the business from nothing, Bülent. (Lit., from zero)

I reached this position by making all kinds of sacrifices. (Lit., I came to this level in society by means of)

I thought that my son, having been educated with a European outlook, would be better able to take advantage of the opportunities this country offered. (Lit., with a European head... the country’s opportunities)
Kâmuran Bey: Yıllarca senin yetişip bir gün kurduğum işin başına geçmeni bekledim.

Buna hakkım yok mu?
For years I’ve waited for you to complete your education and one day take over the business I had established. (Lit., waited for you to be educated and... pass to the head of the business)

Don’t I have a right to that?
Bülent: Peki baba peki. Haklısınız.

Boş yere sinirlenip kendinizi üzmeyin.
OK, Father, OK. You’re right.

Don’t get angry for no reason and upset yourself.
Narrator: O günden sonra Bülent her sabah büroya gelmeğe başlamıştı.
From that day on Bülent began to come to the office every morning.
Emine: Günaydın Bülent bey.
Good morning, Bülent bey.
Bülent: Ne trafik yahu!

Bir buçuk saatte ancak gelebildim.
My, what traffic!

I was barely able to make it in an hour and a half. (Lit., to come)
Bülent: Anlaşılan yakında evi de buraya nakletmekten başka çare kalmayacak.
It’s pretty clear that soon the only solution will be (for me) to move here. (Lit., no other solution will remain than moving [the] house)

A picture novel (resimli roman) by Faruk Geç © , Translation and notes by Ralph Jaeckel © 2009