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Emine: Kâmuran bey bu gün gelmeyecek mi?
Isn’t Kâmuran bey coming today? (Lit., Is [he] not going to come?)
Bülent: Hayır.. Peder bey bir müddet izin yapmağa karar vermiş.

Bir şey mi vardı?
No... (My) father has decided to take some time off for a while. (Lit., to make a period of leave)

Was there something (that needs to be done)?
Emine: Bursadaki fabrikadan telefon etmişlerdi.

Tekrar arayacaklarını söylediler.
There was a call from the factory in Bursa. (Lit., they telephoned)

They said they’d call back.
Bülent: Bana bağlarsınız telefonu.

Bu arada lütfen bir kahve söyler misiniz Emine hanım?
Put the call through to me. (Lit., Connect the telephone to me.)

In the meantime, would you please order a coffee (for me), Emine hanım?
Narrator: O pazar sabahı Kâmuran bey kahvaltı masasında sabah gazetelerini okumakla meşguldü.
That Sunday morning Kâmuran bey was busy reading the morning papers at the breakfast table.
Wife: Bir çay daha içer misin canikom?
Would you like some more tea, honey? (Lit., another tea)
Kâmuran: Hayır, teşekkür ederim.

Bülent kalkmadı mı daha?
No, thank you.

Hasn’t Bülent gotten up yet?
Wife: Hayır.. nasıl kalkar.

Sabah saat dörttü eve döndüğünde..
No... How could he (possibly) get up?

It was four o’clock in the morning when he came home. (Lit., returned home)
Kâmuran: Eh! Gençlik.. olacak o kadar.
Well, that’s the way young people are. What do you expect? (Lit., [That’s] youth... that much will be.)

A picture novel (resimli roman) by Faruk Geç © , Translation and notes by Ralph Jaeckel © 2009