Kâmuran: Bülent’i buraya bağlayabilmenin tek şartı onu evlendirmek. |
The only thing that can tie Bülent to this place is to get him married. (Lit., the only condition of being able to tie Bulent to here) |
Nesrin: Evlendirmek mi? |
Get him married? |
Kâmuran: Evet, bir yuva kurar çoluk çocuğa karışırsa.. |
Yes, once he establishes a home and gets involved with a wife and children... (Lit., if he) |
Nesrin: İyi fikir ama kiminle? |
That’s a good idea, but with whom? |
Kâmuran: Canım, tanıdığımız ahbabımız bir çok iyi ailenin kızları var. Bülent de her genç kızın yüreğini hoplatacak kadar yakışıklı. Elinde diploması var. Hangi kız evlenmek istemez onunla? |
My dear, many very good families that we know and are close to have daughters. And Bülent is handsome enough to make the heart of every young girl skip a beat. He has his diploma in hand. What girl wouldn’t want to marry him? (Lit., which girl) |
Nesrin: Amaan.. Senin oğlun beğenir mi öyle kimseleri hiç? |
For goodness sake! Would your son ever take a liking to such people? |
Kâmuran: Neyse.. Sen bu işle meşgul ol biraz. Onun da ağzını ararsın. |
Never mind. Get a little involved in this matter. [Lit., busy with) And sound him out too. (Lit., seek out his mouth) |