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Narrator: Akşam üstü çıkış saatinde her zamanki gibi Hatice gelmişti.
As always, Hatice arrived toward evening at quitting time. (Lit., at the departing hour)
Hatice: Bugün öğle paydosunda yemek yemek için seni aramıştım.
I was looking for you to have lunch with during the lunch break today. (Lit., I had looked)
Emine: Ha evet..

Bülent beyle beraber Şişliye kadar gitmiştik.

Mağazada bazı işler vardı.
Oh yes, well...

Bülent bey and I went over to Şişli together. (Lit., We went over to Şişli together with Bülent bey.)

There were some matters (to attend to) at the store.
Hatice: Yemeği de orada yedin demek.
So you ate over there too.
Emine: Evet.
Narrator: Emine bu candan arkadaşından bir şey saklayamazdı.
Emine couldn’t hide anything from this bosom friend of hers.
Emine: Dönüştü Bülent bey davet etti.

Onunla beraber yedik.
On the way back Bülent bey invited me.

We ate together. (Lit., We ate together with him.)
Hatice: Ya!
Well, well!
Hatice: Nasıl oldu?..

O kendini beğenmiş adam..

Demek aranız düzeldi.
How did that happen?

That conceited fellow. (Lit., That man who likes himself.)

So things have straightened out between the two of you. (Lit., So your rift [the space between you] has been corrected.)
Emine: Evet.. sonra pek öyle göründüğü gibi kötü bir insan değil.
Yes... he’s not as bad as he appears after all. (Lit., not as bad a person)

A picture novel (resimli roman) by Faruk Geç © , Translation and notes by Ralph Jaeckel © 2009