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Narrator: Genç adam sinirli bir şekilde kapıyı vurup çıkmıştı.

Akşama doğru odaya Hatice girdi.
The young man angrily slammed the door and left. (Lit., in an angry way)

Toward evening Hatice came in. (Lit., entered the room)
Hatice: Hadi çıkmıyor musun Emine?
Come on, Emine, aren’t you leaving?
Emine: Geliyorum. Hele şu masamı bir toplayayım.
I’m coming. Just let me straighten up this desk.
Hatice: Bülent bey bugün hepimizi bir haşladı ki sorma.
Bülent bey gave us all a real dressing down today, let me tell you. (Lit., scalded all of us [so much] that don’t ask)
Emine: Ya öyle.

Bana da bağırdı.
Yes, I know. (Lit., Yes thus.)

He shouted at me too.
Hatice: Ne deli adam bu böyle..

Nerede Kâmuran bey nerede oğlu.
What a maniac that man is! (Lit., What a maniac man this thus.)

Kâmuran bey and his son are poles apart. (Lit., Where is Kâmuran bey, where is his son.)
Hatice: Allah sana kolaylık versin.

Hadi biz neyse..

Ama sen hergün akşama kadar o suratsızla karşı karşıyasın.
God help you. (Lit., May God give you easiness, i.e., in this situation)

Never mind us...

But you’re face to face with that sourpuss every day (from morning) to night. (Lit., every day until evening)
Emine: N’apacaksın (= Ne yapacaksın)?

Mecburuz katlanmaya.
What can one do? (Lit., What will you do?)

We’ll just have to put up with it.

A picture novel (resimli roman) by Faruk Geç © , Translation and notes by Ralph Jaeckel © 2009