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Narrator: Ertesi sabah Emine büroda yalnızdı.
The next morning Emine was alone in the office.
Emine: Yapacak bir iş yok.

Fırsattan istifade Hakkıya bir mektup yazayım.
There’s no work to do.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, let me write a letter to Hakkı. (Lit., profiting from the opportunity)
Narrator: Yazı makinesinin başında o kadar dalmıştı ki odaya Bülentin girdiğini hiç farketmedi.
She had become so absorbed in what she was doing at the typewriter that she didn’t even notice that Bülent had entered the room.
Bülent: Günaydın.
Good morning.
Emine: Ay! Günaydın efendim.
Oh! Good morning, sir.
Narrator: Apar topar makineden yazmakta olduğu mektubu çekip çıkardı.
In a panic she pulled the letter she was writing from the typewriter.
Emine: İnşallah ne yazdığımı farketmemiştir.

Başka bir şeyle meşgul olmama kızar herhalde.
I hope he didn’t notice what I was writing. (Lit., God willing, he didn’t notice)

He’ll probably be angry that I was busy with something else. (Lit., at my being busy)
Bülent: Emine hanım. Öğleye doğru sizinle Şişlideki mağazaya kadar gitmemiz gerekecek.

İşinizi ona göre ayarlayın da..
Emine hanım, toward noon we’ll have to go over to the store at Şişli. (Lit., our going with you... will be necessary)

So arrange your work accordingly. (Lit., according to that)
Emine: Olur efendim.
Alright, sir.

A picture novel (resimli roman) by Faruk Geç © , Translation and notes by Ralph Jaeckel © 2009