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Emine: Orada başka bir kadınla ilişki kurması benim de aklıma gelmedi değil.
Don’t think it hasn’t occurred to me too that he might have taken up with another woman over there. (Lit., It isn’t that it hasn’t come to my mind too...)
Hatice: Olur olur kardeşim.

Gazetelerde neler okuyoruz.
It’s quite possible, my dear. (Lit., Could be, could be.)

Just look at what we read in the papers! (Lit., What things we read in the papers!)
Narrator: Emine eve geldiğinde kafasını şimdi bu mesele kurcalıyordu.
When Emine came home, this was the matter that was troubling her now. (Lit., this matter was irritating her head, i.e., her mind)
Emine: Evet.. Neden olmasın..

Bu meseleyi niçin açmadım.
Yes, why not?

Why didn’t I bring this matter up?
Emine: Söylesem de ne farkederdi.

Böyle bir şey varsa bile doğruyu söylemeyeceği muhakkaktı.
Even if I had said something, what difference would it have made?

Even if there were such a thing, he certainly wouldn’t have told the truth. (Lit., his not going to tell the truth was certain)
Narrator: O gece yatakta da aynı şeyi düşünüyordu.
Even in bed that night, she was thinking the same thing.
Emine: En iyisi bir mektup yazıp bu meseleyi bana açıkça anlatmasını isteyim (= isteyeyim)..

Yok yok. Bu da hiç bir fayda sağlamaz.

Ne cevap vereceği de malum.
The best thing is for me to write a letter and ask him to openly explain this matter to me. (Lit., The best [thing is] let me write a letter and ask his openly explaining...)

No, no. That won’t do any good either. (Lit., won’t secure any benefit)

It’s obvious how he would answer. (Lit., What answer he would give is known too.)

A picture novel (resimli roman) by Faruk Geç © , Translation and notes by Ralph Jaeckel © 2009