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Emine: Yarın sabah Almanyaya gidiyor da..
Well, he’s going to Germany tomorrow morning, you know.
Hatice: Ha evet.. O meseleyi öğrenebilir mi dersin?
Ah yes. Do you think he might be able to learn something about that matter?
Emine: Bilmem.. Fakat söyledikten sonra da pişman oldum.
I don’t know... But after telling him (about it), I regretted (it).
Hatice: Neden kabul etmedi mi?
Why? Didn’t he agree (to do it)?
Emine: Etmesine etti de..

Ne bileyim. Ailevî durumumu bilmesini istemezdim.
He agreed to do it but...

I just don’t know. I’d rather he didn’t know about my family situation. (Lit., How should I know. I wouldn’t want his knowing [about] my family situation.)
Hatice: Amaan.. Ne çıkar canım.

O kadarcık bir yardımı dokunuversin.
For goodness sake! What harm is there in that, dear?

Let him at least help that little bit.
Hatice: Hadi hadi. Bırak üzülmeyi..

Çıkalım artık.

Bu akşam tatar böreği yapacağım.

Hep birlikte yeriz.
Come on, stop worrying.

Let’s be on our way now. (Lit., Let’s leave now.)

I’m making Tatar börek this evening. (Lit., I’m going to make)

We’ll all eat together.

A picture novel (resimli roman) by Faruk Geç © , Translation and notes by Ralph Jaeckel © 2009