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Narrator: Emine baş ağrısını bahane ederek durumu belli etmemeye çalışmıştı.
Using her headache as an excuse, Emine tried not to reveal how she felt. (Lit., making her headache an excuse... not to show her state)
Bülent: Hemen bir ilaç aldıralım sana.

İstersen eve gidip istirahat et.
Let’s get you some medicine right away. (Lit., let’s get [sb] to get you)

Why don’t you go home and rest? (Lit., If you like, go home and rest.)
Emine: Yok canım. Pek o kadar mühim değil.

Geçer herhalde.
Oh, no. It’s not all that serious. (Lit., important)

It’ll surely pass.
Narrator: Bülentin olmadığı bir saatte büroya Hatice gelmişti.

Emine akşamki olayı ona anlattı.
At a time when Bülent was out, Hatice came to the office. (Lit., when Bülent was not [there])

Emine told her about what had happened the previous night. (Lit., about the previous night’s event)
Emine: ..Ondan sonra sabaha kadar gözüme bir damla uyku girmedi.
And from then until morning I didn’t get a wink of sleep. (Lit., a drop of sleep did not enter my eye)
Hatice: Neyse canım.
Never mind, dear.
Emine: Evet. Fakat sinirlerim o kadar bozuk ki.

Sanki.. bir gün çıkıp gelecekmiş gibi bir his var içimde.
Yes, but my nerves are shot. (Lit., are so broken)

I have a feeling that one day he’ll (suddenly) turn up. (Lit., there is a feeling in my inside as if he would appear and come)
Hatice: Bırak şekerim böyle saçma düşünceleri.
Sweetie, stop thinking such foolish thoughts. (Lit., leave such...)

Öyle üzerinde durulacak bir mesele değil.

It’s not worth dwelling on like that. (Lit., not a problem worth dwelling on)
Emine: Saçma olduğunu biliyorum.

Fakat kurtaramıyorum kendimi bu hisden.
I know they’re foolish.

But I just can’t get rid of this feeling. (Lit., save myself from)
Hatice: Bu da geçer.

Fakat Bülent beye bundan bahsetmeyip onun da keyfini kaçırmamakla iyi etmişsin.
This too shall pass.

But you were right not to mention this to Bülent bey and upset him. (Lit., you did well... not to drive away his good spirits)

A picture novel (resimli roman) by Faruk Geç © , Translation and notes by Ralph Jaeckel © 2009