Narrator: Genç kadının içine yine bir kuşku girmişti. |
Once again the young woman felt a creeping doubt. (Lit., a doubt crept into [her] inside, i.e. heart) |
Emine: Fakat kocam.. yani.. şey. |
But my husband... that is... well... |
Man: Evet. Kendisi iyi arkadaşımdı. Uzun müddet beraberdik. O feci kazadan sonra.. Ne kadar üzüldüğümü bilemezsiniz. |
Yes (I know). He was my good friend. We were together for a long time. After that terrible accident... You don’t know how sorry I was. (Lit., you can’t know) |
Man: Ölümünden sonra benim yanımda kalan bazı eşyalarını saklayıp memlekete dönüşte size vermeyi düşünmüştüm. |
After his death, I thought I’d save some of his things that were left with me and give them to you when I came home. (Lit., his things that remained at my side... on returning home) |
Emine: Anlıyorum.. Size çok çok teşekkür ederim. |
I understand. Thank you very, very much. |
Narrator: Emine karmakarışık hisler içindeydi. Ağlamamak için kendini zor tutuyordu. Adam gittikten sonra çantayı alıp tekrar eve girdi. |
Emine felt a jumble of emotions. (Lit., was inside confused feelings) She could barely hold back the tears. (Lit., was with difficulty restraining herself in order not to cry) Once the man had left, she took the suitcase and went back into the house. (Lit., entered the house again) |
Açıp içindekilere bakmak gelmiyordu içinden. Onu elinden bırakıp bir iskemleye çöktü. Uzun müddet öylece kaldı... |
She didn’t feel like opening it and looking at what was inside. (Lit., To open and look at the contents wasn’t coming from [her] inside.) She put it down and collapsed into a chair. (Lit., out of her hand) She remained like that for a long time. |
Narrator: İçini kemiren kuşkular kaybolmuştu artık. O günden sonra kendisini Bülentle kuracakları yeni yuvanın heyecanına bırakmıştı. |
The doubts that had been gnawing at her heart had now disappeared.(Lit., the suspicions) From that day on she abandoned herself to the excitement of the new family she was going to establish with Bülent. (Lit., after that day) |
Bülent: Nikah için gerekli muameleleri başlattım. Ayrıca çocukların odasına eşyalar ısmarlamıştım. Yarın akşam getirecekler. |
I began the procedures required for the marriage. In addition, I’ve ordered furniture for the kids’ room. They’re bringing it tomorrow evening. (Lit., going to bring) |
Emine: Fakat Bülent.. Sana söylemem icabeden bir şey var. |
But Bülent, there’s something I have to tell you. |