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Bülent: Yo, hayır.

Onu da nereden çıkarıyorsun?
No, you’re wrong.

Where did you get that (idea)? (Lit., Where are you getting that from?)
Emine: Ne bileyim.. Suratın asıldı gibi geldi bana.
How should I know... It seemed like your face fell. (Lit., It came to me like your face was hung.)
Bülent: Kusuruma bakma Emine.

Baba olmak düşüncesi heyecanlandırdı beni.

Ne söyleyeceğimi şaşırdım birden.
I’m sorry, Emine. (Lit., Don’t look at my fault.)

The thought of becoming a father moved me.

Suddenly I was confused about what to say.
Bülent: Desene çocuklarımız iki derken üç olacak.

Onun için de ayrı bir oda hazırlamamız lâzım şimdiden.
So here we were thinking we had two kids, and now we’re going to have three. (Lit., While thinking our kids [were] two, it’s going to be three.)

And that’s why we need to get a separate room ready right now. (Lit., our preparing is necessary)
Emine: Pek o kadar aceleye lüzum yok henüz.
There’s no need for such haste yet.
Narrator: Bülent o gece eve büyük bir heyecan içinde gelmişti.

İşi kısa zamanda tatlı bir sonuca bağlamak niyetindeydi.
That night Bülent came home all fired up. (Lit., in great excitement)

He intended to settle the matter agreeably in a short time. (Lit., He was in the intention to wrap up the matter in a sweet conclusion.)
Bülent: İyi akşamlar.. Henüz yatmadınız demek.
Good evening. So you’re still up. (Lit., You haven’t gone to bed yet.)
Kâmuran: Hoş geldin oğlum.
Welcome, my son.
Nesrin: Yemeğe misafirler vardı Bülent.

Henüz gittiler.
We had guests over for dinner, Bülent. (Lit., There were guests at dinner.)

They just left.

A picture novel (resimli roman) by Faruk Geç © , Translation and notes by Ralph Jaeckel © 2009