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Narrator: O gün akşama doğru Bülent Eminenin odasına girdi.
That day toward evening Bülent came into Emine’s room. (Lit., entered)
Bülent: Hazır mısın sevgilim?

Hadi gidiyoruz.

Sana ait ufak tefek eşyalarını da almayı unutma.
Are you ready, darling?

Come on, we’re off. (Lit., we’re going)

And don’t forget to take the odds and ends that belong to you. (Lit., your little things)
Emine: Şimdi kalkıyorum.
I’m coming now. (Lit., getting up)
Narrator: Beraberce bürodan ayrılıp arabaya bindiler.
They left the office together and got in the car.
Bülent: Böyle olmasını ben de arzu etmezdim. Fakat başka türlü davranmama da imkân yok.

Bu hareketimin seni de üzdüğünün farkındayım.
I wouldn’t have wished things to turn out this way either, but neither is it possible for me to behave any differently.

I’m aware that this act of mine has upset you too. (Lit., I am in the awareness of this action of mine’s having upset you)
Emine: Yoo. Hayır.. Seninle beraber olduktan sonra.
No, not at all. As long as we’re together. (Lit., After being together with you.)
Emine: Bu kararından babanın haberi var mı?
Does your father know of your decision? (Lit., have news of this decision of yours)
Bülent: Eve telefon edip durumu babama bildirmesi için annemle konuştum.

Sesini çıkarmadı.

Havadisi pek mühimsemediğini sanırım.
I telephoned home and told my mother to tell my father about the situation. (Lit., spoke with my mother for telling the situation to my father)

She didn’t say a word. (Lit., didn’t bring forth her voice)

I think she didn’t consider the news very important.
Emine: Fakat Bülent, babanın işini bıraktığına göre ne yapmayı düşünüyorsun?
But Bülent, now that you’ve left your father’s business, what are you thinking of doing?
Bülent: Henüz karar vermedim.

I haven’t decided yet.

We’ll see... (Lit., Let’s see [what happens]...)

A picture novel (resimli roman) by Faruk Geç © , Translation and notes by Ralph Jaeckel © 2009