Narrator: Bülent konuyu hemen açmakta kararlıydı. |
Bülent was determined to take up the matter at once. (Lit., in opening the matter) |
Bülent: Sizinle mühim bir meseleyi konuşmak istiyordum. İkinizin bir arada olması daha iyi. |
I’d like to discuss an important matter with you. It would be better if both of you were together. (Lit., Both of your being together is better.) |
Kâmuran: Ya.. Nedir bu mesele? |
Alright then... What is this matter? |
Bülent: Böyle bir konuda sizin fikrinizi sormak bana düşen bir vazife.. Evlenmeğe karar verdim. |
It’s my duty to consult you in such a matter. (Lit., to ask your opinion is a duty that falls to me) I’ve decided to get married. |
Nesrin: Sahi mi Bülent? Ay ne kadar sevindim bu havadise.. |
Really, Bülent? Oh, I’m just thrilled at this news. (Lit., how delighted I am) |
Kâmuran: Ee hanım. İş bundan sonra sana düşüyor demektir. Hemen kolları sıvayıp namzetleri tesbite başla. |
Well now, my dear. (Lit., woman) That means the matter is in your hands from this point on. (Lit., is falling to you) Roll up your sleeves and get busy right away finding (suitable) candidates. (Lit., begin determining) |
Nesrin: A tabii.. Bülentçiğim istedikten sonra.. |
Oh, of course, if that’s what (our) dear Bülent wants. (Lit., after he has wanted) |
Nesrin: Namzet mi ararsın? Çook.. (= çok with emphasis) Hele Hüsrev beyin kızı. Zarif kibar.. Adam da parasını koyacak yer bulamıyor. |
Are you looking for prospects? There are soooo many. First off, there’s Hüsrev bey’s daughter. She’s elegant, refined... And the man can’t find a place to put (all) his money. |
Bülent: Durun durun.. Siz meseleyi yanlış anladınız. |
Stop, stop! You’ve got it all wrong. (Lit., You misunderstood the matter.) |